RITFIT 2 Reviews & (5/5) Customer Ratings of Ritfitsports.com

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The RITFIT reviews & ratings were updated Currently, 0 active community members are sharing their shopping experience at ritfitsports.com.
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  • Live community. In the past month, 0 members of our RITFIT community have shared their reviews, providing helpful feedback on shopping at ritfitsports.com.
  • RITFIT reviews created by the community. 2 members of our community have contributed their shopping experiences at ritfitsports.com. Write your own RITFIT review now, and earn reward points if other shoppers find it helpful.
  • Honest RITFIT reviews. All the reviews on this page are based on real user experience. We currently have 2 honest RITFIT reviews, some featuring images to enhance their trustworthiness. Additionally, you can read the 0 pinned reviews for more helpful information.

RITFIT customer reviews

5 / 5 (2 ratings)

Love the M1 smith machine

Ritfit M1 is a fantastic piece of equipment. I absolutely LOVEEE this machine!!! The machine and cables are very smooth. I like the stylish design, with its sleek fan-shaped elements. Everything arrived on time and came in excellent packaging. Plus, the instructions are super easy. It took me about 2.5 hours to assemble with no issues. If anyone is looking for a smith machine or any other gym equipment, Ritfit is the best choice. Overall, I give it 5 out of 5 stars.


  • Smooth and sturdy machine
  • Easy to assemble
  • Highly maneuverable
  • Good quality for the price


  • I noticed that there were a few missing parts when putting it together, but the company quickly responded
gym workout M1 Smith machine Gym Equipment Smith machine

Useful for 1 shoppers


Couldn't be happier with this durable power cage

Overall, the rack is incredible. The rack is extremely sturdy and the cable attachment is smooth. Very easy instructions to follow during assembly. Definitely feel like this machine is a great value purchase for a home gym. I used this every day with my kiddos since we got it. It's given us a full gym at home. On top of getting a great product, this machine is available at a competitive price. So, who can say no to that?


  • Works great as a home gym
  • Sturdy and solid machine
  • Relatively easy to assemble
  • Beam has multiple grip positions


  • Machine may be small for larger body frames
workout gym home gym power cage

Useful for 0 shoppers


Is RITFIT legit?

RITFIT has received an impressive 5 out of 5 rating from 2 customer reviews on Troupon. It shows that RITFIT is a safe and reliable merchant. The Troupon team verifies that each review submitted by members is authentic to prevent fake reviews.

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About our RITFIT reviews

Today, Troupon has collected 2 verified RITFIT reviews to help you, shoppers, make a smart purchase decision at ritfitsports.com. Based on our data, RITFIT received an average rating of 5 out of 5.0 for pricing, 5 out of 5.0 for ordering, 5 out of 5.0 for service, and 5 out of 5.0 for delivery.